Apple Aims for 2028 Launch of EV with Limited Autonomy

The company had previously announced it was working on a fully autonomous vehicle.


Apple plans to launch its own electric car in 2028, featuring "limited autonomous driving," a pivot from its earlier ambition to produce a fully driverless vehicle.

According to a Bloomberg report, Apple is recalibrating its approach for its first EV by incorporating a Level 2 autonomy system. This system is akin to Tesla's Full Self-Driving technology but still mandates driver supervision and control. The vehicle will offer assistance features such as steering, brake, acceleration support, lane centering and adaptive cruise control.

This shift comes after several years of intense speculation and development challenges. Apple initially collaborated with major industry players like Toyota and TSMC for vehicle development and self-driving chips. However, ambitious plans and high-profile departures, including that of Senior Director of Engineering Dr. Michael Schwekutsch, have led to a more conservative approach.

After launching in 2015, the project to build an Apple Car stagnated, prompting Apple's Board of Directors to pressure CEO Tim Cook for a more viable plan or abandon the project entirely.

Bloomberg called the recalibration "a pivotal moment" for Apple's automotive project. The report suggests that should the vehicle fail to enter the market with the planned features, Apple may consider discontinuing the initiative.

Apple has not directly commented on these plans.

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