Rick Selover Paints a Positive Picture on a Podcast for Shop Owners/Managers

Rick Selover
Industry veteran Rick Selover produces a weekly podcast, "The Mind Wrench," to help shop owners/managers be better leaders.

OK, so you had a bad day, it happens. A few of your techs called in sick, there was that one requisite snarky customer, you had to wrestle on a supplement from one of your DRPs and the shop dog is gassy.

Rather than running for the hills or pouring a double scotch, take a deep breath and listen to "The Mind Wrench," a weekly podcast created by Rick Selover in Detroit, MI, available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify.

Selover is a 40-year veteran of the collision repair industry, as well as a life coach, multi-award-winning sales leader, collision industry consultant/advisor, certified Knowledge Business Broker (KBB), former refinishing instructor and motivational coach. He is currently a sales manager for FinishMaster, serving eastern Michigan and northern Ohio and overseeing a team of 14 sales reps. Selover, 59, is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise accumulated over more than four decades in this industry.

“My goal has always been to use my skill set and experience to create messages that will motivate people and help them to be better versions of themselves,” he said. “My themes and stories are often related to the body shop life, but in the end, they can apply to anyone in any industry. The theories, lessons and tactics that I share on my 'Mind Wrench' podcast will apply to any business that is providing a service.”

Selover’s weekly show is designed primarily for those in the automotive repair industry, but his simple yet effective strategies can be used by anyone looking to reach the next level in life, he said.

“The show ranges from 10 minutes to a half-hour in length and features my practical and personal insights on things such as mindset, self-improvement and leadership. My goal is to help body shop owners to be successful while enjoying their lives. I’m always learning and searching for additional ways to serve and to help others on their journey to growth!”

Selover has observed effective leaders in action during his career and learned from all of them.

“I discovered that good leadership is the most critical factor that determines sustained success,” he said. “What is desperately needed, but undeniably missing from the auto body world, was coaching, training and guidance that specifically addressed ‘soft skills.' I knew someone needed to step up into this space, and I thought why not me?”

Selover fell in love with teaching during his time as a refinish Instructor at a local community college. He earned top CSI scores from his college students, several of whom now have a career in the automotive repair industry.

In his 28 years as a sales leader for two national distributors, Selover is an AMi graduate and PPG Green Belt alumni, and has consulted and advised hundreds of collision centers and body shop professionals. He has helped them to improve their processes, production capabilities and overall profitability.

As a certified KBB, Selover produces and teaches live and virtual courses and offers one-on-one coaching sessions, in addition to hosting his new personal and professional development podcast series, "The Mind Wrench."

Selover has observed many leaders over the years and borrowed from each, including Mike Anderson, right, president of Collision Advice.

Every episode has its message and more than a few takeaways that can be used immediately.

Some episodes are industry-specific, like one of Selover’s more popular podcasts, “Stop Treating Your Shop’s Cash Register Like a Clunker."

“I have seen this 100 times---shops don’t maintain their paint booths and then wonder why they won’t work correctly,” Selover said. “The paint booth is maybe one of the most important pieces of equipment in a shop because everything has to eventually go through it at some point. The message here is your booth is a big source of revenue, so you should treat it like a new car instead of an old clunker.”

Gradually and organically, Selover is building an audience of folks from all over the country who want to get a little mind-wrenching.

“I have been getting feedback about the show from people whose opinions I respect and they are telling me that I’m on the right track and they love my message," Selover said. "Recently, one shop owner reached out to me after one episode and asked me to be his life coach. I am promoting the show through my social media and that’s about it. If my message can resonate with just one person during one episode, then mission accomplished.”

When Selover isn’t busy serving and sharing his knowledge, he enjoys time outside in nature, golfing, traveling to new destinations---anywhere that has palm trees---reading inspirational and educational books and listening to a variety of music. He has used his own techniques and approaches to living to enhance both his personal and professional life, so he knows they work.

His podcast hasn’t made him any money or brought him fame quite yet, but Selover is in this for the long run, he said.

“I have accumulated a lot of ideas and now I am so happy to be communicating them to shop owners and managers. If it turns into an income, that’s nice---but my ultimate goal is to help others. I have been a servant leader for many years, and now I realize that this has been my mission the whole time---to serve at a higher level.”

Ed Attanasio

Ed Attanasio is an automotive journalist and Autobody News columnist based in San Francisco.

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