Mitchell to Provide Technology for Vale’s Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) Technician Certification Program


Mitchell, an Enlyte company, on Dec. 8 announced Dented Paintless Repairs, Inc. named it the preferred technology provider of the Vale PDR Technician Certification Program in Canada.

This designation---combined with Mitchell’s 2021 selection as U.S. PDR technology provider of the Vale program now administered by HM Verified, LLC---demonstrates the company’s continued growth in this segment. It also gives more than 30,000 PDR professionals access to Mitchell’s advanced technologies as they repair today’s complex vehicles.

The Vale PDR certification program requires technicians to demonstrate they excel in the highly specialized process of paintless dent repair. Unlike traditional repair methods, PDR removes damage to exterior components without using paint or body filler, providing a highly eco-friendly repair.

“Mitchell continues to invest in, and prioritize, proper and safe repair,” said Jack Rozint, senior vice president of repair sales at Mitchell. “As the preferred North American technology provider of Vale’s PDR technician certification program, we can support PDR professionals by delivering modern solutions designed to help them streamline the repair process, safely return vehicles to the road and exceed customer expectations.”

Using the Mitchell solution suite, PDR technicians can perform pre- and post-scans, write estimates and access critical OEM repair information.

The company’s MD-500 all-in-one tool features Bosch’s best-in-class vehicle coverage, made possible through diagnostic licensing agreements with all major OEMs. It integrates with Mitchell’s cloud solutions, including Mitchell Cloud Estimating with Integrated Repair Procedures and Mitchell TechAdvisor with more than 30 years of OEM repair and reference information.

This allows PDR professionals to perform scans efficiently, access more than 1,000 dynamic calibration routines, take photos, write damage appraisals, link diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) directly to OEM repair procedures, and automatically upload standardized scan and calibration reports as well as invoices.

“Giving Canadian technicians access to Mitchell’s innovative technology can only help them in the delivery of safe and efficient repair work,” explained Jeff Morrison, president of Dented Paintless Repairs. “Now that diagnostics has become an essential part of the repair process and a core addition to Vale’s certification program, PDR technicians will have the tools and training to properly restore damaged vehicles.”

Mitchell is also technology provider of the U.S. Vale-certified PDR technician program and, in 2022, received the same designation from HM Dent Works Academy, a comprehensive paintless dent repair training school. HM Verified, LLC, a subsidiary of HM Companies, LLC, now administers the Vale program and is responsible for testing and certifying technicians in the U.S.

“We look forward to meeting the needs of the industry through our academy, designation as a certifier of the Vale program, and Mitchell’s solutions---all of which can better prepare technicians to deliver PDR properly and safely,” said Julia Henson, owner of HM Companies, LLC.

For more information about Mitchell’s solutions for PDR professionals, visit

Source: Mitchell

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