Ford Dealers Now Have Until Dec. 2 to Decide If They’ll Invest Up to $1.2 M on EVs


By Stephen Rivers, CarScoops
Oct. 31, 2022

In September, it was reported Ford planned to have dealers sign up to sell electric vehicles by Oct. 31. Evidently, numerous dealers reached out and asked for more time to make their choice.

Now, Ford is obliging and providing another month for dealers to make a decision about their future plans, pushing back the deadline to Dec. 2.

“We value our relationship with our dealers and have decided to provide additional time for our dealers who have not decided or asked for more time,” said company spokesperson Marty Gunsberg in a statement to Automotive News.

Ford wants to ensure dealers who do sell their EVs are well-educated and equipped to do so. To that end, it’s offering two different levels of EV buy-in that dealers can choose from. Neither option will be inexpensive for the dealers in question.

The first level is Model e Certified, and Ford estimates dealers who select it will need to spend up to $500,000. That money will go towards EV infrastructure at the dealership itself. Dealers who go this route will have access to order EVs for customers, but they won’t be provided with EV inventory or demo units.

Those who go for the second tier, Model e Elite, will have access to EV inventory, demo units and a guaranteed allotment each year. They’ll need to spend up to $1.2 million for the privilege. That includes ensuring the dealership has at least two DC fast chargers, one specifically for customers.

Moving the deadline back provides more time, especially for dealers torn by this decision. It also more closely aligns with the Dec. 15 deadline set for Lincoln dealers. It’s noteworthy that dealerships that offer both Ford and Lincoln products will be required to invest in both programs, as opposed to one or the other.

Ford has made it clear in the past it won’t force any dealership to make the change or buy into the program. The exclusive benefits for dealers who opt in begin Jan. 1, 2024.

We thank CarScoops for reprint permission.

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