CIF Raises Nearly $11,000 for Technician Injured in Car Crash

Gary Noble is still recovering from the broken ankle, fractured ribs and ruptured sternum he suffered six months ago.

Gary Noble is a technician at Louisville Collision Center. Image via Facebook.

The Collision Industry Foundation (CIF) recently presented a check for $10,845 to Gary Noble, a technician at Louisville Collision Center in Louisville, KY, who was injured in a severe collision in November 2023 that required a lengthy hospitalization and rehabilitation.

The funds were raised by a "challenge grant," announced by CIF in late February. Through March 8, CIF matched every dollar donated, to go to Noble, who has still not been able to return to work, to meet immediate needs.

In the crash, Noble suffered a broken ankle, fractured ribs and a ruptured sternum.

"I want to say thank you to everyone at CIF!" Noble said. "My wife and I are so grateful for the money that was raised. The funds will keep us from getting behind on our monthly bills, especially since we now have several medical bills, also."

Steve Olson, who owns Louisville Collision Center, presented the check to Noble.

"CIF is an amazing program!" Olson said. "Thank you very much for all your help. What a huge blessing for Gary."

CIF's mission is to secure and distribute donations to individuals in the collision repair industry who have experienced significant losses due to natural disasters or other catastrophic events.

It is funded by many annual donors and by its annual fundraising event at the January Collision Industry Conference in Palm Springs, CA. The foundation is managed by industry volunteers who donate their time to help get the funds to individuals in need. The organization's biggest challenge is making more people aware of the benefits it offers.

"I wouldn't wish my situation on anyone, but I hope that my experience will at least help raise awareness of the great work CIF does," Noble said.

For more information on the Collision Industry Foundation, visit

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