Colorado Springs Auto Repair Shop Gifts Car to New U.S. Citizen

Colorado Springs Auto Repair Shop Gifts Car to New U.S. Citizen

A new U.S. citizen received a vital tool to help her pursue her American dream.

“I’m so excited. They changed my life,” said Adela Martin.

On Aug. 9, Adam & Son auto repair in Colorado Springs, CO, presented Martin with a used car.

“We are helping somebody get into transportation. So, she can keep her job, stay employed versus losing her job,” said Dan Adam, founder and owner of Adam & Son.

Martin moved to the U.S. when she was 16 to find work to help support her three brothers and sister who came with her, as well as send money back to her parents still in Guatemala.

“I have two jobs and I do school, and I support my family,” Martin said.

Through the Stranded Motorist Fund, Adam & Son has donated 12 vehicles and given back $150,000 in services since 2020.

“This project is a huge joy and passion of mine,” Adam said. “It gives me a sense of purpose, rather just than being just a business owner that owns an auto repair shop, and we conduct business by doing this. I feel like I can make a difference in somebody’s life.”

Adam said they are one of the only social impact auto repair shops in the nation.

“It’s so great to have employees that have a sense of purpose in coming to work every day and knowing what they do has an impact on our community,” Adam said.

Now, the impact has extended to Martin, who just became a U.S. citizen and is ready to pursue her American dream.

“I want to finish my GED,” Martin said. “And that is my plan. And they give me this car now and I have more chance.”

We thank FOX21 News for reprint permission.

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