CIF Accepting Applications for Board Seats


The Collision Industry Foundation (CIF) announced Aug. 10 the application period for individuals from the collision repair industry at large to serve on the CIF Board is now open. CIF trustees are all volunteers, donating their time and expertise to lead CIF to further its mission and vision.

CIF's vision is to provide emergency relief to collision repair professionals, while its mission is to secure and distribute donations to individuals who have experienced significant losses due to natural disasters or other catastrophic events.

"We encourage industry leaders to join our efforts to serve those within our industry in their time of need," said Dan Risley, vice president, CCC Intelligent Solutions, and CIF president. "Serving on the CIF board is very gratifying as we make a big difference to those in need. We are seeking several new board members to join our efforts."

Elected trustees serve a three-year term. There are approximately seven board meetings throughout the year. Two of those are in person and held the same week as other collision industry events in January and July. The remaining board meetings are held via conference call and last approximately 60-90 minutes. Newly elected trustees are sworn in and begin their term upon the conclusion of the January board meeting.

Nominations are due by Sept. 30. Complete the application posted at

We welcome your interest in a CIF trustee position and look forward to hearing from you. For questions about CIF or the election process, contact CIF administrator Petra Schroeder at or Risley at

Source: CIF

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