California Suspends Cruise’s Driverless Testing Permit


GM's self-driving subsidiary received permission to operate its "robotaxis" in San Francisco in August, but has since been the subject of complaints.

The California Department of Motor Vehicles on Oct. 24 announced the immediate suspension of the deployment and driverless testing permit of GM’s self-driving subsidiary, Cruise LLC, due to an “unreasonable risk to public safety.”

The DMV said it will not reinstate Cruise’s permit until certain steps are taken, which the company has been provided.

Cruise is still allowed to test its autonomous driving technologies with a safety driver present in the car.

The DMV said its suspension was based on the facts Cruise’s vehicles are not safe for the public’s operation, and Cruise misrepresented information relate to its self-driving technology’s safety.

In August, Cruise and Waymo both received approval from the California Public Utilities Commission to operate self-driving taxis in San Francisco, similar to an Uber or Lyft service.

On Oct. 18, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration announced it opened an investigation into how Cruise’s “robotaxis” operated around pedestrians in roadways, including those in crosswalks, following several complaints.

"These reports involve ADS equipped vehicles encroaching on pedestrians present in or entering roadways, including pedestrian crosswalks, in the proximity of the intended travel path of the vehicles," NHTSA said.

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